Solar powered Inflatable tent park

SSI: Self Supporting Inflatable Tents and Shelters

Airquee and O&H Concepts BV saw the need for rapid response inflatable tents and inflatable shelters for for crisis situations around the globe. We and have designed an inflatable tent which can be used in these situations. Airquee and O&H concepts created the perfect partnership because we have the capacity and capability to create what is needed, along with the social responsibility to use our technical expertise to make a difference. The Mobile Solar-Powered Hospital Park (MSPHP) is designed for situations where speed, efficiency and immediate registration are of crucial importance. This inflatable shelter delivers it!

The complex is composed of several Self Supporting Inflatable Shelters (SSI) and can be deployed as a registration and crisis command centre. This form of mobile shelter is an efficient solution when the need to act quickly is paramount in emergency and disaster response.

These unique SSI inflatable tents have a mobile off-grid solar-powered system, are ready for use within 10 minutes. They can be linked together to form a fully self-sufficient mobile accommodation unit within 3 and a half hours, providing immediate shelter for up to 320 people.

Product Features SSI Shelters

  • Off-grid energy system for electrical equipment with flexible solar panels.
  • Flexible and connectable.
  • Expandable to multiple MSPHP’s meaning there can be an entire infinitely scalable complex of inflatable tents.
  • Easy to handle.
  • Set up time: 8 minutes for each SSI shelter.
  • Inflatable tents and ancillary products can be dropped via parachutes.
  • Safe: internationally certificated fabrics M1/M2/B1/B2

Aid Agencies Save Critical Time with SSI Inflatable Shelters

Speed and efficiency are vital during a crisis. Airquee & O&H have invested in R&D, Logistics & Transport, and safety. Where time is an important factor, this product offers a time-saving solution. This research showed there were specific material requirements, and our extensive knowledge proved to be perfect, and the “highest quality materials” have been used for the SSI Inflatable Shelters.

The mobile SSI shelters can be used for multiple purposes including registration and crisis & command centres, inflatable medical hospitals, rapid deployment shelter and general humanitarian control centres.

The floor-plan of the SSI inflatable tents enables the initiation and construction to proceed in a structured and efficient manner.

Latest Technology: Flexible Solar & Light Panels

We have established a long-term relationship with O&H Concepts BV to develop the Self Supporting Inflatable (SSI) structures with the latest photovoltaic technologies and renewable mobile off-grid energy sources. The inflatable tent is designed to withstand many types of weather conditions and safety issues that a module will encounter during its lifetime.

Joined Forces

Disaster can strike at anytime, anywhere in the world, but the required immediate response time is underestimated time and time again. O&H Concepts BV, Airquee, want to make a worldwide change. Changes such of this are big and we have formed long term relationships to help the ones in need during a crisis or natural disaster. Airquee’s extensive knowledge in the technical aspects of inflatable tents, inflatable shelters and other inflatable structures means we are able to help any organisation achieve what they need.