Embark on an intergalactic adventure with Airquee's Space-themed Soft Play Ball Pond. This captivating addition to children's play areas brings the cosmos to life, taking on the allure of a ball pit or ball pool. Our Improved Edition elevates safety and fun to celestial heights, transforming it into a cherished haven for young astronauts and space explorers.
At Airquee, safety is of utmost importance, and our Space-themed Soft Play Ball Pond reflects this commitment. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, we've designed a sealed structure that ensures each child's playtime remains free from foam contact. This design philosophy offers parents and guardians the reassurance of a secure play environment. Additionally, our specialised bottom mat, complete with velcro attachment and anti-slip grips, effectively contains the playful assortment of balls within the designated area, enhancing the overall cosmic experience.
Practicality and convenience are key features of our design, as exemplified by the complementary inclusion of a convenient bag. This provision empowers easy transport and storage of the ball pond, making it a versatile companion for various indoor and outdoor space-themed activities. Crafted in the EU using high-quality PVC, our ball pond guarantees durability while promoting easy maintenance through simple cleaning routines.
Please note that ball pond balls are not included in the listed price. For additional information or assistance, we encourage you to connect with our dedicated sales team. Ignite imaginations with Airquee's Space-themed Soft Play Ball Pond, creating a stellar haven that sparks cosmic play and endless exploration for the young dreamers. Your quest for an out-of-this-world play environment finds its fulfilment here.